
2010年2月11日 星期四

如何更新Office 2007的序號

  1. 請先關閉所有OFFICE2007的程式
  2. 按下[開始]→[執行],輸入regedit,然後在按下確定。
  3. 依序尋找機碼位置,[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]→[Software]→[Microsoft]→[Office]
  4. 在右側視窗找到DigitalProductID的機碼,按右鍵將之刪除。
  5. 在右側視窗找到ProductID的機碼,按右鍵將之刪除。
  6. 重新啟動任何一個OFFICE2007的程式,就會跳出要求您重新輸入註冊資訊的視窗,將您要更換的金要輸入進去就可以囉!

2010年2月10日 星期三

Word 2007 解除文件保護的特殊方法


當我們 急著想用該文件時,又不想打擾對方,那該如何做呢?(小叮嚀:禮貌上最好請對方解除保護是最恰當的喔!)請跟下面的步驟一起作吧!

[Step: 1] 打開被保護的Word文件,然後依序按下[功能鍵][另存新檔],在檔案類型那欄,請選擇[Word XML 文件(*.xml)],請注意千萬不要選到Word 2003 XML 文件(*.xml)!別忘了按下[儲存]喔!

[Step: 2] 在剛剛儲存XML的檔案上按下滑鼠右鍵,選擇使用筆記本(Notepad)將檔案開啟

[Step: 3] 在開啟的筆記本(NotePad)中,按下Ctrl+F開啟搜尋介面,在輸入欄中輸入[protect]進行搜尋...

[Step: 4] 一個文件應該只會找到一個Protect的字串,往後找一下會找到[w:enforcement=”1”],將1改成0,在按下Ctrl+S儲存該文件。

[Step: 5] 將剛剛修改的xml檔案用word開啟,成功的話,你會發現剛剛不能修改的文件已經可以修改了!

[Step: 6] 別忘了再按下[另存新檔],將檔案類型存回[word文件(*.docx)]喔!

2010年2月3日 星期三

Google 加入反IE6的陣營

Important notice: Google Apps browser support‏
寄件者: apps-noreply@google.com 寄件日期:2010年2月3日 上午 01:09:03
Dear Google Apps admin,​

In order to continue to improve our products and deliver more sophisticated features and performance, we are harnessing some of the latest improvements in web browser technology.  This includes faster JavaScript processing and new standards like HTML5.  As a result, over the course of 2010, we will be phasing out support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 ​as well as other older browsers that are not supported by their own manufacturers.

We plan to begin phasing out support of these older browsers on the Google Docs suite and the Google Sites editor on March 1, 2010.  After that point, certain functionality within these applications may have higher latency and may not work correctly in these older browsers. Later in 2010, we will start to phase out support for these browsers for Google Mail and Google Calendar.

Google Apps will continue to support Internet Explorer 7.0 and above, Firefox 3.0 and above, Google Chrome 4.0 and above, and Safari 3.0 and above.

Starting this week, users on these older browsers will see a message in Google Docs and the Google Sites editor explaining this change and asking them to upgrade their browser.  We will also alert you again closer to March 1 to remind you of this change.

In 2009, the Google Apps team delivered more than 100 improvements to enhance your product experience.  We are aiming to beat that in 2010 and continue to deliver the best and most innovative collaboration products for businesses.

Thank you for your continued support!


The Google Apps team

Email preferences: You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google Apps product or account.

Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

2010年2月1日 星期一


因為我們時間有限,沒辦法一一觀賞所有的動畫,實在可惜,因片呈現的手法或意義都很值得探討,也有很多立體空間是照片所無法呈現出來的感覺,不過沒去的也不要緊,我也拍攝了一些照片分享給大家,大家不妨就湊合著看囉 :)